Chat Chat Summer 2017

What's inside?

Chatcolab 2017 Poem


``Planting Seeds of Leadership"...Nel Carver, Moscow, Idaho

From Yoga at the crack of dawn

We sang, danced and drew,

Playing golf upon the lawn,

Learned about horses too.

Chatcolab was amazing.

Made some paper with some seeds,

Having fun with late star gazing,

Even pulled some noxious weeds.

Learned Teddy was cool Cut and pasted,

Had a lake instead of a pool,

Not a minute to be wasted.

What fun we had,

Sailing to enjoy and tapping to do,

Telling stories till time for bed.

And laughter and shouting, Yahoo!

Planning an activity

Our time was short, so much to do,

Making bowls of kimchi.

Also waxed and dyed an egg or two.

Building our own game,

We ate and then we ate some more,

Learning everybody’s name.

Sang by the fire and cooked a s’more.

Making Soulcards© from materials galore,

We checked the water quality,

Visiting the costume store,

Felt we had won the lottery.

Using the compass to find our way,

With fishing and sharing in the shade,

Everyone had their say.

Great decisions were made,

We ran the meetings,

Parli Pro,

Some STEAMed along and all Connected,

Sang, re, me fa so, la, ti, Do.

Finding leadership skills and tips as expected.

Then appliqué stitched and sewn

Changed a tire, fixed a flat,

Planted seeds and know we’ve grown. 

Escaping rooms as quick as that.

We picked our tree and rolled a log,

Great presenters to be congratulated,

Some one tried to catch a frog.

2018 CHATCOLAB # 70, anticipated.